Wednesday 27 January 2010

So NEDBANK asking once only

Nedbank, my favourite green bank in SA, have informed clients that

“all clients will receive quarterly statements in accordance with the NCA requirements”.

Is this new ruling convenient for me the client?

A monthly statement definitely suits my needs better but I will have to deal with that, anyway.

I assume that the R39.90 admin fee will also be a quarterly charge and not a monthly one.

If this is the case then I am happy to oblige as this will be a saving of R79.80 per quarter, why not?

If I do not get the saving then Nedbank is the only one winning. - So will we score on bank fees or is this just another way to make more money from us.

Nevertheless, I expect a substantial decrease in my monthly admin fee. Come on NEDBANK show us your green savings plan.

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